

    Digital Library and e-Granthalaya

    A Digital Library is a collection of digital resources organized and accessible through digital means. These resources can include digitized versions of books, journals, articles, multimedia content, archival materials, and more. Digital libraries provide users with online access to vast amounts of information and resources, often offering features such as search capabilities, browsing options, and sometimes interactive elements.

    Here are some key features and benefits of Digital Libraries:

    1. Accessibility: Digital Libraries offer anytime, anywhere access to resources, allowing users to retrieve information remotely using internet-connected devices such as computers, tablets, and smartphones.
    2. Searchability: Users can search for specific topics, keywords, authors, or titles within the digital library’s collection, making it easier to find relevant materials quickly.
    3. Enhanced Content: Digital Libraries may provide access to multimedia content, interactive elements, and enriched metadata, enhancing the user experience and understanding of the materials.
    4. Preservation: Digital Libraries contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage and scholarly works by digitizing and archiving materials, ensuring their long-term accessibility and conservation.
    5. Customization: Some digital libraries offer customization options, allowing users to save searches, create personal collections, and receive alerts or recommendations based on their interests and preferences.
    6. Collaboration: Digital Libraries can facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing among users by enabling features such as commenting, tagging, and sharing resources with others.
    7. Remote Learning and Research: Particularly useful for students, researchers, and educators, digital libraries support remote learning and research activities by providing access to a wide range of academic and educational materials.

    e-Granthalaya is a digital library management software developed by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) in India. It is designed to automate various library operations, including cataloging, circulation, acquisition, and serials management. e-Granthalaya helps libraries efficiently manage their collections, streamline administrative tasks, and provide enhanced services to users. It is widely used by libraries across India, including academic institutions, government agencies, and public libraries, to modernize and digitize their library services.


    Library Committee
    Name Designation Role
    Hariom Singh TGT(Library) I/C